My Nani's Prayers


Dr. Sabah Fatima Iqbal is a pediatric emergency physician in the Washington DC area and on the frontline of Covid-19 relief. From all of us Sabah, a huge thank you; our prayers are with you.I’ve been thinking of my grandmother so much lately. She lived in my childhood bedroom in DC while I was in residency in New York and we had this thing. This sort of secret thing. Whenever I had a really sick patient - a really sick kid - one who was on the very brink of death - I would call her and ask her to pray for the child. And she would gently chide me, and tell me to pray.And I would tell her that her prayers were stronger and better; it wasn’t just that she was more faithful than I, although she surely was, but it was that she had the heart of a grandmother. And I felt her heart was closer to God.And so, she would pray. And the kid always got better. Always. Every time. I used the grandmother prayer request sparingly, but I remember every one of those kids.And I miss her because I kind of think I need her prayers for the whole world now.In the memory of both of my grandmothers, who had both faith and strength and resilience beyond compare, I pray tonight, for all the helpers and healers.Dr. Sabah Fatima Iqbal is Medical Director of PM Pediatrics in MD. *Photo: "I’m getting fit tested under this hood. Tested for the elusive N95 mask - the best protection I can have. Unfortunately, when this “great” nation ran out of N95 masks, the CDC allowed regular surgical masks as an alternative. Not because they protect as well. Not because they block the virus particle. But because they had no choice. So my fellow physicians - and our nursing, paramedic, and other healthcare worker colleagues - are all outfitted with the second best. I’m lucky that I got fit tested. And lucky that I have one N95 mask from three years ago that’s even better than what we have right now. I carry around my N95s - the expired goods one and the new ok one - in a paper bag, trying to save them for the sickest kid, the worst wheezing, the most ill. #flattenthecurve #stayhome" To read all '30 reflections for our times', please follow the Facebook page '30 days 30 deeds', Instagram @salmahasanali, or subscribe to the newsletter at 


I have to stop myself


Happy Llamadan