Happy Llamadan


I asked Suhaib Webb, resident scholar at ICNYU, how he would explain this moment to his almost one year old daughter, when she is old enough to understand. I actually think about your question a lot. I don’t know what I’m going to tell her. God knows. Sometimes we don’t need to have an answer; answers come, answers take time. I actually get really sad thinking that my daughter’s first year of life, Alhumdulillah, has been met with tests from the moment she was born until now. She was really sick when she was born with severe jaundice. One thing I’m going to tell her based on her own development is that you’re someone who’s going to have incredible resilience. Look at what you’ve already faced. You were born against a current. You weren’t born into organic baby food made at a farmer’s market.  In the first year of your life, you had tubes in your body, you walked into an apocalypse, you became like the ants in the Quran - quarantined. And you overcame, inshAllah.  I think framing it in a way like - excuse my language - you’re going to be a badass. You’re going to go and slay. (I’m not an imam anymore, so I can say that).Suhaib Webb has asked that we consider supporting his campaign to "Feed the Fasting" for Muslim Aid USA through LaunchGood.Suhaib Webb is resident scholar at ICNYU and teaches a course at NYU. He served as Imam at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, and was selected by the Muslim Community as one of CNN’s 25 Most Influential Leaders.To read all '30 reflections for our times', please follow the Facebook page '30 days 30 deeds', Instagram @salmahasanali, or subscribe to the newsletter at www.salmahasanali.com.


My Nani's Prayers
