Day 22, Dua 22: Dues


I must have typed ‘dua’ a hundred times this month writing this blog.  Each time, the autocorrect would change it to ‘due’.  Messages come in unusual ways.When things are not going well, or a family member is sick, or when there is something I really desire for myself or my kids, I turn to prayer; I say my duas with urgent devotion and complete sincerity.  But when things are going smoothly and life is good, my prayers are more rushed, often missed.Each time the word ‘dua’ changes to ‘due’ I am reminded that with my long list of things that I want from God, there are certain things that I owe Him, commitments that I must keep. Prayer being fundamental among them. My duas are enormous; my dues need work.On this night, and on this annual spiritual journey, I’ll keep trying.Day 22, Dua 22:  Fulfilling my dues 


Day 23: Time


Day 21: Parents