Day 21: Parents


It’s hard to watch your parents grow old. Really hard.  I wish I could take away their aches, their pains, their worries, their fears. But I can’t.  All I can do is pray. And spend as much time with them as I can.We’re blessed that all four parents are healthy and that they live nearby.  My parents are in NJ, just three hours by car; my in-laws are in VA, and spend most weekends with us.  It’s a huge blessing for all of us, and especially for the kids. Zayd just came back from a “GM Retreat” – GrandMama’s Retreat. It’s his special time with Babushka and Dada. He gets spoilt and fussed over. His favorite time, in the evenings when he cuddles under the blanket and watches Jeopardy and America’s Got Talent, ensconced between his grandparents and Billy the cat.My mom’s dream has been to spend some time in London, living like a Londoner. We just made plans to go right after Eid. Her voice is already sounding different; she can hardly contain her excitement.  My dad is a bit nervous to travel, but no doubt he’ll be in his element once we get there, sharing his London memories with his grandchildren.  I can’t wait. It’s these times together that matter more than anything else.I pray each day that all my parents stay healthy, that their spirits remain strong, that they realize what they’ve accomplished in raising their kids, and that we can do for them some of what they’ve done for us.Day 21, Dua 21: For our parentsmy parents, Eid 2012


Day 22, Dua 22: Dues


Day 20: Home