Reactions to the Book


I am so so grateful and humbled by your comments and reactions about the book, thank you so much. Jen said she’s reading a few stories each evening over dinner with her family. Muddassar received his first copy, then promptly bought nine more to gift to friends. One reader called it a “jewel”; another said “it’s a must for any library , public or personal;” and another wrote, “I bought it for my mom. She loved it so much, she cried.” The American Pakistan Foundation and the Bernstein Family Foundation provided grants to donate books to diverse thought leaders. The book even traveled to Mauritius as a special Eid present! Thank you so much for your love and warm wishes, it means so much to me. Here are a few more reactions:

“Personal stories connect us to each other. That's why Salma's “30 Days” book is so important. By sharing personal stories around issues we can all rally around - gratitude, traditions, wisdoms of elders - she reveals how much we all share in common. Salma’s inspired me to think about my own stories.” – Keith Ellison, Attorney General of Minnesota, first Muslim elected to U.S. Congress

Thank you Salma for sharing these inspirational stories. I think your perceptions and analysis are equally as powerful as the stories themselves. You are very sensitive and this comes through in your writing and we the readers are the beneficiaries. Please never stop, and keep sharing with us. I love and value every word. —Eman Kaskas

“You have captured with this project something ineffable and vital: we are our stories, and we are our best when we honor our unique stories in ways that connect us to something bigger than ourselves.” -Shields Sundberg, educator

“This gorgeous book overflows with uplifting stories that serve as universal reminders of how to live a good life. My intention was to savor them one at a time, but the stories are so captivating, I ended up reading the entire book in one sitting. I am grateful to Salma and her family for opening their hearts and sharing their deeply personal and touching stories -- stories that help me re-focus on what matters: family relationships and living a life filled with gratitude and kindness.” - Susan Stevenson, Executive Director, DC Metro Area, College Track

“This book is a proud testament to the wonderfully positive storytelling tradition that Salma has cultivated throughout her career. Enabling meaningful human connection rooted in kindness has been a hallmark of Salma’s work, and this book is destined not only to bring joy to countless others but also to further the positive work of connection in this era of increased polarisation.” - Muddassar Ahmed, Managing Director, Unitas

"Salma’s exquisite presentation of vignettes, insights and traditions invites the reader on a memorable journey of reflection and discovery. The tapestry of her story helps us find a more meaningful understanding of our own. This book is love." - Elisabeth LaMotte, Founder, DC Counseling Center

“The book is so very special to me. It has awoken in me my desire to become the “story teller” of our family. It is filled with stories of tradition, generosity, and above all, love, so needed in these trying times.” -Munira Mendonca, artist and leather craftsman, founder of Munira leather

Sharing stories, as Salma does through “30 Days”, is what builds bridges and gives us much needed hope. Listening to stories results in empathy and seeing the world though the storyteller’s eyes. Salma has given us the gift of building community -- replacing the term other with another. Salma, you are my shero. -Sheryl Olitzky, Co-founder and Founding Director, Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom

“Salma’s ‘30 Days’ book is a collection of gems, celebrating the extraordinary wisdom of ordinary peopled. I was so honoured to have contributed my father’s sage advice to me growing up, advice I still call on today. This book is a perfect gift for a loved one or for your own self care.” - Dalia Mogahed, Director of Research, Institute for Social Policy and Understanding

“This wonderful book will feed your soul and inspire you to serve your community. It will bring joy, light, and meaningful reflection for your whole family during the most special month of the year and beyond. - Eboo Patel, Founder and President, Interfaith Youth Core

"This book is a practice in mindfulness. Every aspect of the book has so clearly been crafted with tremendous thought and intention. In the rush of life and in the constant noise battling for our attention, it's an oasis. I often find myself glancing through it, reading a story or two, enjoying the artwork and details. It gives me a chance to slow down, even for a few minutes, and remind myself of what's truly important.” - Deb Lang. Executive Director, KindWorks

“Reading the meaningful opening pages and seeing the incredible beauty of the 30 Days book brought me tears and filled me with hope. Now, I keep your book by my bedside so that each day I can read a passage, linger over the wisdom within its pages, give myself time to absorb your thoughts, and reflect upon them. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and inspiring us all.” - Mauree Jane Perry, oral historian, Board of Trustees, Bernstein Family Foundation 

“This book is very precious because it is an album of feelings. Storytelling is an art form that can capture how we felt at a particular moment, much more so than a painting or photograph can. Today if I read the story [that I contributed eight years ago], it’s very different. The table was full then, now I’m by myself; my kids are away at residency, my mom, God bless her, has passed, my father is in Pakistan, my husband is traveling. But this story transports me to that moment, and to those feelings, around the table many years ago. Especially in this fast paced world, to be able to ‘curate feelings’ the way you do in the ‘30 Days’ blog and in this book, it is something very special; it’s really quite amazing.” [I read to Uzma the story she was referring to. “I have goose bumps,” she said.] - Dr. Uzma Iqbal, physician

“As if the rich launch webinar weren't enough, your words this morning on NPR were a real high. How wonderful to hear your life's philosophy: be overly generous with kindness, love, and compassion. You made my day...and it's only 7:30!” -Karen Simon, Producer, Sparks Media

“Deeply engrossed and enthralled by your book. What a gift for the soul. It is well written and well designed. Well done!” - Shuja Nawaz, Founding Director and Distinguished Fellow, South Asia Center, Atlantic Council

“The book is so lovely — the stories, the artwork, the hand binding. I’ve followed the blog since the beginning, and it’s such a pleasure to read through the stories and vicariously share your family’s journey. I know that you wanted this to be a special limited edition, but I’m so hopeful that your launch will catch the eye of a publisher, and can lead to a mass market version.” - Sara Bhatia, museum consultant and writer

“I have received my copy of ‘30 Days’, and I am overwhelmed, overjoyed, and full of gratitude and appreciation. Absolutely every detail big and tiny was carefully considered and it is obvious in the final product - it is simply exquisite. Most important, we have the stories and wisdom told in your unique and special way. The book is also a visual and tactile feast - the art is sumptuous, the fonts and colors, the layout of each page, the chapter cover pages, the hand binding - it takes my breath away! - Gayle Damelin, realtor

“Everything about the launch event was beautiful - truly everything! The whole idea of your book, the 10 years that incubated it, the inspiration you offered to others, Zayd, your voice and all those you give voice to and for, the art, the connections of those on the call and beyond.... everything. Truly everything was beautiful last night. - Jenny Freeman, Founder and Executive Director, Community FarmShare


What a treasure! I honestly don’t know where to start. Every detail is delicate, your stories are remarkable and moving, you are such an inspiration.” - Marjan Ehssasi, Johns Hopkins University SAIS

“Congratulations Salma on your new book, and for spreading generosity and kindness everywhere you go. Your message is powerful in its simplicity and badly needed in times like these.”  - Inas Younis, interfaith activist and writer

“In this book you’re talking about American Muslims but you’re also talking about an experience of immigration that a lot of people can relate to, and you’re addressing culture and history and intergenerational relationships. That’s what makes this book so beautiful - it unpacks every conceivable stereotype and allows us to look at people beyond the superficial or stereotypical. I also think this book is a form of cultural preservation. Oftentimes in the experience of migration there are certain stories that get lost or the door is closed on those chapters, because people want to look forward or looking back is not considered ‘modern’. You frame the need to maintain heritage and history in a very positive way; by looking at good deeds and kindness and so on, you allow us - and give us the tools - to look at heritage and tradition in a positive, future-focused way.” - Shamila Chaudhary, President, American Pakistan Foundation


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