The most important thing

Anwar Ibrahim, who serves as the Leader of the Opposition, President of the People's Justice Party, and Member of Parliament in Malaysia, reads a wisdom from the “30 Days” book — one shared by my (then 16 year old) son Zayd.

Zayd shared this ‘wisdom from an elders’: "Pa always says, 'The most important thing you have is your character and integrity; no one can take that away from you. That's who you are. It's what makes you, you. Without that personal core, you don't really have a home base for yourself. Every decision you make needs to be guided by that overarching thought."

I would love to ask Anwar Ibrahim to share a wisdom, one day iA.

Thank you Aasil for sharing the 30 Days book with Anwar.


“You don’t love people because …”


“Everything can be fixed”