Change one life for the better


Sometimes we get caught up in the enormity of the world's problems -- there is SO much hunger, poverty, injustice, displacement, inequality -- is my small action even going to make a difference? YES. We need to shift our mindset and focus on the one person whose life we can impact, especially if we can think about that person's story. As part of KindWorks' new digital empowerment program, we're taking old computers, collecting dust in many of our basements, refurbishing them and donating them to people who need one. Meet Alpha and Colette. They arrived here two years ago from the Democratic Republic of Congo. We donated two refurbished computers to them. Colette uses hers for homework for her English class; Alpha added applications so he can learn data analysis and data science; he's doing a micro masters on Date Economics and Development Policy through MIT. They have seven children, ages one to 17; they call their house an 'institute of learning'. "I want to use my skills to help people in the community," Alpha says, "people have been so supportive, I don't know how we would have survived." We didn't change the world. But in speaking with Alpha and Colette, I think we can humbly say we impacted one family's life for the better. #humanKINDbySalma #kinddemic


Turn 'nice' into 'kind' (collect wooly socks!)


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