

Lilly Behbehani was a second semester Senior at B-CC High School when MCPS announced schools would shut down to help slow the spread of COVID-19. She worried about fellow students who depended on free and reduced price school meals, and rallied her friends to do a food drive; as editor-in-chief of her school newspaper she posted about it on the website. Initially requests for food were slow, but by mid-April there was growing demand and student volunteers, under the banner "Here2Help", went into overdrive-- coordinating volunteers, food donations, drivers and dispatchers, produce from farmer's markets, breads from local bakeries, collection sites, etc. Now there are six food drop-off sites and 300 student and parent volunteers. Here2Help has made over 4000 deliveries to families who request assistance in Montgomery County, no questions asked; social workers and food assistance providers are now turning to Here2Help for their clients. KindWorks is grateful to partner with Here2Help; we've been dropping off 40, 50, 60+ quarts of soup every Sunday; it's immediately packed in boxes, with fresh produce and canned goods, and delivered to families in need; Lilly says families are loving it! She is now an on-campus Freshman at UNC, and coordinating operations with the help of her mom, two dispatchers, and all the other committed volunteers. It's the kind messages that keep her going, she says. During the holiday season, they added stuffed animal gifts into the bags; one mom wrote, "I couldn't get my daughter a gift this year, but you did. Thank you." Another wrote, "I lost my job, but as soon as I'm back on my feet, I'll be volunteering with Here2Help." Thank you Lilly and Here2Help volunteers for giving us much needed hope at a time we need it the most.Please learn more about and support Here2Help:


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