Day 30: Eid Mubarak

Hope you all had a wonderful Eid day and hope the fun continues all weekend!  We had a great time -- a variety of life's experiences wrapped up in a day.  Family, friends, food, an MRI (for my one year check up), even a Justin Timberlake concert!  It was definitely a unique Eid; a poignant reminder that life is comprised of joyous moments and challenging issues, and both need to be faced with grace and faith.I wanted to thank you all so much for joining in this journey. I feel honored that so many of you shared your own duas with us.  Your reflections, honesty and warmth have enriched me, I think all of us. And if you're in, we'll do it again next year with "30 days 30 traditions". InshAllah.Day 30, Dua 30: I pray that we all stay healthy, stay strong, stay safe, stay connected, and that God bless us and our families with all good things, and make our hardships easier to bear.  My warmest wishes to all of you for a wonderful Eid and a blessed year.Love from the Ali family.

You Have Breast Cancer


Day 29: Peace, knowledge and understanding