Day 24: My Sunshine


The minute you were born, in Geneva, Papa held you and you looked at the world around you so intensely with the most luminous eyes, we started calling you ‘luminosity’.  When you were about four, in our apartment in Paris, I would have to print long documents and the printer would make this loud monotonous sound, you would start to dance.  When you were about nine, in Houston, and you learned that kids in many countries couldn’t go to school, you decided to change the world.This past year, when the stresses of being a high school teenager in a ridiculously competitive, consumption obsessed, cookie-cutter fostering environment became too much, you showed your true mettle.  You suffered, but you held on. You questioned, but you never gave up. You are my strong, brave, spirited, compassionate, courageous girl.  I will never leave your side. You will never leave my duas. We will always persevere. InshAllah.Day 24; Gratitude 24:  Saanya 


Day 25: Zaydubean


Day 23: Khudhafiz Bapu