Day 22: Anchor, Compass, Star


So why is it that I’ve left for the end the things that I am most grateful for. My husband, my children, my parents, my brother.  Because I’m afraid. That I don’t have the words to convey my sentiments adequately.I’ll start with my parents. They arrived yesterday, and it’s feeling more like Ramadan.  Just their presence in the house is so comforting.  A balm. No problem seems as difficult. No stress as onerous.  Dad’s laugh makes us happy. Mom’s prayers make us feel safe.My dad is the gentlest soul you’ll ever meet. He’ll sacrifice his comfort for yours; find beauty in things we wouldn’t ever notice; entrance you with stories of his younger years; and always leave you smiling. There’s no way you won’t feel good in his presence. Growing up, he could never get upset with my brother and me. When he tried, he’d put his own hand on top of ours, and tap it.  Now, he just needs to know that we’re happy and content; if we’re not, there’s nothing he won’t do to make it so.I probably call my mom three or four times a day – to share a quick thought, find out for the umpteenth time what spice to put in what, ask a mundane question about what to wear or what to gift or what to do – things no one else in the world would find the least bit interesting, she’s always there at the other end of the phone, seems like almost waiting for my call.   Of course there are the big things too –  the problems and struggles and major life decisions, that I would never get through without mom by my side.My parents are my anchor; my compass; my guiding star.Day 22; Gratitude 22: Parents 


Day 23: Khudhafiz Bapu


Day 21: The gift of children