Day 18: Chirp of the birds, croak of the frogs, buzz of the bees


Guest blogger: ZaydI am grateful for all of nature’s creatures because what would the world be without them. Bland.  You wouldn’t hear the chirp of the birds, you wouldn’t hear the croak of the frogs, and you wouldn’t hear the buzz of the bees. When I was younger, whenever it would rain I would run outside and scoop up the worms and place them on the side of the driveway so no one would crush them.Now I have put up some bird feeders on our deck. One is for regular birds and the other is for hummingbirds. I am getting so many hummingbirds and I get so excited when I see one.  I am so glad that I can feed them.Two or three months ago I found a box tortoise in our front yard. I kept it in a box for a night, and then the next day I woke up at 6:00am, went outside and with the left over bricks from our house, I built a brick enclosure for him. The next day we were going to New Jersey so I asked my neighbor to make sure he was there every day. But on the first day he was gone. I was very sad I cried.  So my wish for Eid is to get a Russian Tortoise.  I think it’s going to come true because today or tomorrow we’re planning to go to the pet store.  So now you know how grateful I am for God’s creatures.Day 18; Gratitude 18: Nature’s creatures 


Day 19: Mama


Day 16; Gratitude 16: Nunno