Day 16: People Amaze Me


Ramadan is so much about doing good deeds, caring for others, easing someone’s pain. This is a tradition all Muslims share during this month. So many of my friends are doing so much to help others – a doctor trying to get to Gaza to help those in desperate need; a friend organizing an iftar to wrap toys for refugee families; a humanitarian in Pakistan providing health care to those displaced from North Waziristan.Today, Rebecca and I went to a men’s homeless shelter for MoverMoms “Donuts and Discussion” program, where we engage residents in conversation about current events. We talked about the World Cup, local politics, immigration laws, but what really amazed me was the story of one of the residents. He was a graduate from Boston College, with a Master’s Degree in Economics from Rutgers University. He worked as a political appointee in the NJ mayor’s office, preparing presentations and overseeing programs. He then returned to his home in Ethiopia, and joined the opposition party. When his party won the elections, but the ruling party denied them victory, he was imprisoned and tortured. He remained in his country, despite the hardship, and continued to fight for justice. Until recently, when his life and that of his family seemed at risk, and he came to the US. I was awed by his story, and asked him what makes him so strong. That’s when he broke down in tears.I pray that he returns to the life he was meant to live, that he sees his family soon, that he remains strong through this difficult time. I’m not sure if we made his day a little lighter. But I know for a fact that he bolstered my faith, and reaffirmed my belief in the resilience and awesomeness of the human spirit.Day 16, Tradition 16: Caring


Article: "Local Blog Explores Spiritual Understanding"


Day 15: God Bless FaceTime