Day 14: The Ramadan Tree


Guest blogger: My dear cousin, Parveen SiddiquiOmar’s eyes are fixed on the push pop; he keeps his lungi on over his shorts. He knows he will have to pray nafl in order to claim his prize.When the kids were young, I decided to make each day of Ramadan memorable for them. They obviously didn’t fast, so the idea was for them to realize this month was special in other ways; that they too could do things to honor the month beyond fasting. During an after Christmas sale, I found a tabletop tree with a star on top that had hooks to hang things on. We called it our Ramadan tree. I purchased little bags, filled each with a task written on a small piece of paper, and a candy treat. These were placed on the hooks. The tasks included recite a surah, learn a hadith, help your sibling/parent with a task, pray a nafl prayer, do tasbih or give money to charity. After Asr each afternoon, it was time for the Ramadan tree. I chose the order of who would pick first, second and third.As the kids got older, each year I would ask if it was still necessary to do the Ramadan tree. Each time, the answer was “of course.” Now it had become their tradition. A few days before Ramadan starts, the tree and Ramadan calendar comes out of the attic. Aleena cleans the tree. I make a Party City run to purchase the treats. The front table is set up. The ritual is done the same way each day. I have reused the bags and task papers each year. Now the kids know what task is written on which sheet of paper based on its size or the type of candy they see through the bag. They have figured out the push pop always involves praying nafl. The chocolate coins mean giving money to charity. Omar is ready, and Imran and Aleena are eyeing their chosen bags. It is these memories that InshAllah my kids will remember with a smile, and one day they may have there own variation of our Ramadan tree.Day 14, Tradition 14: The Ramadan Tree


Day 15: God Bless FaceTime


Day 13: Fasting, Firni, and Fastballs